Baked-over or over-baked: can you get a hangover from weed?

Sometimes called a bong over or a stone over , the after-effects of a big night of smoking weed impact everyone differently. While some don’t feel bad at all the following day, others can experience symptoms such as headaches, cotton-mouth , or feeling muddled and confused. So why does this happen and how can it be avoided?

Sometimes called a bong over or a stone over , the after-effects of a big night of smoking weed impact everyone differently. While some don’t feel bad at all the following day, others can experience symptoms such as headaches, cotton-mouth , or feeling muddled and confused. So why does this happen and how can it be avoided?

What is a weed hangover ?

Usually not as severe as a hangover from alcohol, many people report that cannabis hangovers cause them to feel off-colour or out of sorts the day after a big session of smoking. There isn’t really much scientific research on the day after effects of cannabis hangovers, but there are a set of symptoms people commonly say they experience:

  • Congestion in chest or sinuses
  • Tired and groggy
  • Headaches
  • Itchy, bloodshot eyes
  • Dry mouth
  • Feeling slow and lethargic
  • Nausea

What causes a weed hangover?

Remember that old saying beer then grass, you re on your ass… ? If you did end up combining marijuana with alcohol the night before, that could have impacted your ability to know your limits when using either drug. You might not even remember how much you smoked or drank last night, so you could be feeling the negative effects of both. (Not to mention all the other problems associated with mixing weed and alcohol, or weed and nicotine).

Much like with alcohol, different people process cannabis differently. Your body’s ability to break down and clear the chemicals in marijuana could be the reason your best mate is looking fresh the next day, while you feel like you spent last night licking the pavement outside your house.

It sounds obvious, but simply smoking too much could be at the root of the problem. Things like red eyes, congestion and a dry mouth could just be symptoms of ingesting too much smoke. Headaches and nausea could also be symptoms of dehydration.

Some people believe the mode of delivery is another factor that contributes to the stoned-over feeling the next day, so whether you choose a bong, joint or vaporiser could also be compounding the problem. How frequently you smoke and the concentration of THC can also affect how you feel, as THC levels can vary dramatically between batches. Read more about THC and modes of delivery here.

How can I get rid of a weed hangover?

Prevention is always far better than a cure, though that s not much consolation when the damage has already been done. At this point it s really important to take good care of yourself and not reach for another joint or bong as a means of pushing through it, because you re only creating the makings of an even bigger hangover that can lead to addiction.

If you re still feeling shaky, don t drive. Remember, cannabis can still be detected in your system for up to 12 hours after use (or maybe longer everyone processes it differently), so make some other arrangements. Similarly, avoid operating any machinery or even making big decisions as your cognition will be affected for a while after a big night.

Be sure to get yourself well-hydrated as soon as you wake up. Taking a shower can help to blow out the cobwebs and get moving again. Remember to eat something nutritious, and if you can, get active and exercising to get a natural kick of serotonin.

While they might not be as painful as the hangovers associated with alcohol, cannabis hangovers can really mess with your plans the next day and make a tough day at work far more difficult than it needs to be. If you do wake up feeling like garbage after a big night, remember the best way to avoid feeling that way again is to steer clear of the cause of the problem.

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