Synthetic cannabis resource links

Stephen Bright is a clinical psychologist at Curtin University researching who uses synthetic cannabis and why. Stephen talked to the New Zealand Drug Foundation’s Cannabis and Health symposium about trends and use of synthetic cannabis.

Click here to view the resource.

The last decade has seen the appearance of myriad novel psychoactive substances with diverse effect profiles. Synthetic cannabinoids are among the most recently identified but least researched of these substances. An anonymous online survey was conducted in 2011 using a quantitative structured research tool. Missing data (median 2%) were treated by available-case analysis.

Click here for the resource.

A study designed to assess the demographic profile, use patterns, market characteristics, reasons for first use and self-reported harms associated with use of synthetic cannabinoids in Australia.

Click here for the resource.

A family was shattered on July 16, when their son slipped into a coma, and died. Connor Eckhardt’s parents say he died after taking just one hit of synthetic marijuana. Less than a month after Connor’s tragic death, his parents spoke to HLN about their loss and attempts to educate parents about this danger. Please note, this video was recorded when synthetic cannabis was legal – it is now ILLEGAL right across Australia.

Click here for the news story.

Click here for Connor’s parents.

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